14 Vallecito Foothill Ranch, California 92610. (949) 588-0872. preston.bannister@cox.net |
Network Software Associates Senior Software Engineer 7/98 - present |
Wrote high performance publisher component for web-based report distribution. Responsible for overall architecture and wrote security framework (including servlets, JNI and JNDI). Ports to Windows NT and IBM OS/390. |
Quest Software Senior Software Engineer 8/96 - 6/98 |
Ported two major server-based products written in C from Unix to Windows NT. Designed and implemented file capture client in C++/MFC for both 16-bit and 32-bit Windows. Wrote user interface and network protocol components in Java for a server administration client program. Developed prototype Windows 95 system extensions in C++/MFC for native print capture. |
McDonnell Information Systems Software Engineer 1/95 - 8/96 |
Took over pre-alpha stage project to produce a Windows thin client front-end to a 4GL server. Brought code written in Borland C++/OWL up to product quality, and collaborated on extensions. Re-wrote the client in C++ and MFC from original Borland C++ 3.1/OWL. Wrote prototype layout editor in Delphi. |
Upstanding Systems Software Engineer 5/92 - 11/94 |
Designed and implemented terminal emulation software running in Microsoft Windows for connecting to a Unisys A-Series mainframe over a local area network. Software written in C++ and Visual Basic. Direct customer contact for support and gathering requirements for requested enhancements. |
FileNet Software Engineer 10/85 - 4/92 |
Designed and implemented system security software for a proprietary Unix-based client/server system. Implemented enhancements to workstation document image display software. Software written in C for a networked Unix system. Long term responsibility for maintaining workflow compatible interfaces in a distributed processing environment. |
Burroughs Systems Programmer 7/83 - 9/85 |
Designed and implemented a window management system for a Programmer´s Workbench written in Modula-2. Wrote a very successful Burroughs terminal emulator in Pascal for a personal computer under DOS. |
Western Digital Systems Programmer 7/81 - 6/83 |
Completed development of a subset Ada compiler. Implemented drivers, and system support for a hard disk controller in the UCSD Pascal operating system. Produced diagnostic software for system testing. Designed software interface of an intelligent disk controller board. |
University of California, Irvine B. S. Physics, June 1982 |
BACKGROUND | Programming experience in C and C++, Java, Visual Basic, Delphi, Perl, Awk, Modula-2, Pascal, Lisp, Ada, Simula, Fortran, and assembly for 68000, 8086 and 8085 processors. |
References furnished upon request. |
$Date: 2002-12-22 23:39:08 $ |
http://members.cox.net/preston.bannister |