Preston L. Bannister

14 Vallecito Foothill Ranch, California 92610. (949) 588-0872.
Network Software Associates
Senior Software Engineer
7/98 - present

Wrote high performance publisher component for web-based report distribution. Responsible for overall architecture and wrote security framework (including servlets, JNI and JNDI). Ports to Windows NT and IBM OS/390.

Quest Software
Senior Software Engineer
8/96 - 6/98
Ported two major server-based products written in C from Unix to Windows NT. Designed and implemented file capture client in C++/MFC for both 16-bit and 32-bit Windows. Wrote user interface and network protocol components in Java for a server administration client program. Developed prototype Windows 95 system extensions in C++/MFC for native print capture.
McDonnell Information Systems
Software Engineer
1/95 - 8/96
Took over pre-alpha stage project to produce a Windows thin client front-end to a 4GL server. Brought code written in Borland C++/OWL up to product quality, and collaborated on extensions. Re-wrote the client in C++ and MFC from original Borland C++ 3.1/OWL. Wrote prototype layout editor in Delphi.
Upstanding Systems
Software Engineer
5/92 - 11/94
Designed and implemented terminal emulation software running in Microsoft Windows for connecting to a Unisys A-Series mainframe over a local area network. Software written in C++ and Visual Basic. Direct customer contact for support and gathering requirements for requested enhancements.
Software Engineer
10/85 - 4/92
Designed and implemented system security software for a proprietary Unix-based client/server system. Implemented enhancements to workstation document image display software. Software written in C for a networked Unix system. Long term responsibility for maintaining workflow compatible interfaces in a distributed processing environment.
Systems Programmer
7/83 - 9/85
Designed and implemented a window management system for a Programmer´s Workbench written in Modula-2. Wrote a very successful Burroughs terminal emulator in Pascal for a personal computer under DOS.
Western Digital
Systems Programmer
7/81 - 6/83
Completed development of a subset Ada compiler. Implemented drivers, and system support for a hard disk controller in the UCSD Pascal operating system. Produced diagnostic software for system testing. Designed software interface of an intelligent disk controller board.
EDUCATION University of California, Irvine
B. S. Physics, June 1982
BACKGROUND Programming experience in C and C++, Java, Visual Basic, Delphi, Perl, Awk, Modula-2, Pascal, Lisp, Ada, Simula, Fortran, and assembly for 68000, 8086 and 8085 processors.
References furnished upon request.

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